Introduction to Programming
In this blog, I have discussed about programming in very simple words.
We all have heard about these terms such as ‘Computer Programming’, ‘Coding’ etc. But exactly what is it, what it does, how do you do programming and many more questions. Here, in this blog post I am going to answer all your answers.
What is Programming?
Programming is nothing more than telling the computer to make it do work/tasks that is/are not possible for a human being to do in a small amount of time.
It is about solving real world problems that requires a lot of computation and calculation by giving a set of instructions to the computer to obtain an efficient solution.
It is what makes computers work. When you use softwares like an operating system, browser, app etc. are all developed using programming.
A simple example of instructions given to a computer number1 = 80279008391 number2 = 64813671323
Sum of the two numbers
total = 80279008391 + 64813671323 = 145092679714 I had to calculate this total using calculator. 😅
What is Programming used for?
Programming creates set of instructions for the computer to follow. It allows programmers to build programs that can create a beautiful websites or apps, written in javascript, kotlin etc., that you use nowadays. The games that you play like Fortnite, Pubg etc. are written a programming language called C++. The Operating Systmes that you use like windows, Linux are written in C/C++.
Whatever things you are using digitally, it is not possible to create/make them without a programming language.
What are Programming language?
The programming languages are the once that helps us communicate with our computer. There are several programming languages for different use cases.
Some Programming languages are:-
Java Javascript Python C++ Golang and many more… One Programming language can have one or more use cases. Let me give you some Example:-
Javascript:- It can be used for both frontend and backend, in CS terms they are called client side and server side. It can be used to give logic to frontend of website as well as perform some tasks on the frontend from backend of website. It also have some popular frontend frameworks like React.js, Angular.js, Vue.js etc., popular backend frameworks like Node.js, Express.js and full stack frameworks like Ember.js, Meteor.js etc.
Python:- The most popular use case of python is to be used in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and to create powerful Artificial Intelligence programs. For Machine Learning it has several popular libraries like Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Pytorch etc. It can also be used as a backend of website. It also has some popular backend frameworks like Django and Flask. You can also create your own games in python using Pygame.
C++:- This language is called The Father of all Programming Languages. The most popular language when it comes to Data Structures & Algorithm and Competitive Programming. It is also popular for creating Operating Systems, Embedded Systems, Games and Graphical user interfaces. There are engines made from C++ like Unity which can be used for making Games and more. The popular library like QT can be used in embedded systems for automotive and automation industry.
This was all from my side about Introduction to Programming.
Hope It was helpful.
Stay Tuned for more.
Thank you.